Witch Films is a London based company whose site is giving a platform to independent feature, short and animation filmmakers an e-commerce VOD platform to sell their films.
The use of a deep, velvety red was chosen to reference the traditional curtains in an old fashioned movie theater. This allows the films to pop off the background with a filmic lucency. The rollovers are a golden yellow referencing the golden tassels used in the theater. The thin golden rule expands from the center of the thumbnail outward as if presenting the film to the viewer.
Currently, there are four film categories: Features, Art Films, Documentaries and Short Films. These were chosen from marketing research within the film industry as the starting point with more to follow.

Once a film is chosen, the overlay shows the film details with preview and purchase options. The film grid behind is faded and blurred out behind the overlay to visually bring the presentation forward. At the bottom of the overlay are films related to the one chosen to create a loop of interest in other titles.